Thursday, December 28, 2023


Wikipedia Commons
Illustrations to Young's Night Thoughts

"What I mean is this. An ordinary simple Christian kneels down to say his prayers. He is trying to get into touch with God. But if he is a Christian he knows that what is prompting him to pray is also God: God, so to speak, inside him. But he also knows that all his real knowledge of God comes through Christ, the Man who was God – that Christ is standing beside him, helping him to pray, praying for him. You see what is happening. God is the thing to which he is praying – the goal he is trying to reach. God is also the thing inside him which is pushing him on – the motive power. God is also the road or bridge along which he is being pushed to that goal. So that the whole threefold life of the three-personal Being is actually going on in that ordinary little bedroom where an ordinary man is saying his prayers."
C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Johnny Appleseed

The Lord is good to me
And so I thank the Lord
For giving me the things I need
The sun and the rain and the apple seed.
The Lord is good to me.

And every seed that grows
Will grow into a tree,
And one day soon there'll be apples there,
For everyone in the world to share.
The Lord is good to me.

When I wake up each morning,
I'm happy as can be,
Because I know that with God's care
The apple trees will still be there.
The Lord's been good to me."  




Sixth Grade


Along the left wall, the university's benefactors—Washington Duke and his two sons, James B. Duke and Benjamin N. Duke—are entombed in three 30-ton, white Carrara marble sarcophagi carved by Charles Keck. Over the altar are three limewood figures: Jesus stands in the center, with St. Paul on the left and St. Peter on the right.

[The son of the sculptor, also name Charles Keck, was Larry's roomate at Duke.]   

James Buchanan Duke, Duke Memorial Chapel

Charles Keck

To the left of the chancel and behind the iron gates is the Memorial Chapel. On the altar are three limewood figures: St. Paul, Jesus, and St. Peter. Entombed in the Memorial Chapel are the benefactors for whom the University is named, Washington Duke and his two sons, Benjamin N. Duke and James B. Duke. The sarcophagi and the Memorial Chapel were gifts of the Duke Memorial Association.


Between the Memorial Chapel and the chancel, a flight of steps descends to the crypt. Here are buried the following people: William Preston Few, first president of Duke University; Mrs. Nanaline Holt Duke, wife of James B. Duke; J. Deryl Hart, fourth president of Duke University; Mrs. Mary Johnson Hart, wife of J. Deryl Hart; Terry Sanford, sixth president of Duke University, U.S. Senator, and governor of North Carolina; Mrs. Margaret Rose Sanford, wife of Terry Sanford; The ashes of James A. Thomas, chairman of the Duke Memorial Association; James T. Cleland, former dean of Duke Chapel; and his wife, Mrs. Alice Mead Cleland, are also interred here.

Charles Keck, sculptor

Library of Congress


Robert E Lee


A photo of the statue taken in months before it was damaged and then removed, shows Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee at the entrance to Duke Chapel in Durham, N.C.
AUGUST 19, 2017

Friday, October 6, 2023


 Video - 'God is the Imagination'

Seeing Kathleen reminds me of how Larry first discovered Kathleen Raine's Blake and Tradition when he was in the sitting room of the National Gallery in Washington DC waiting for me to finish looking at pictures. The Melons were instrumental in envisioning and financing the museum and also sponsored the publication of Raine's book. So that may explain why the book was available there. After that we would sometimes go to the National Gallery just so Larry could read the book, since our local Arlington library didn't have a copy. One cold and rainy Saturday morning we went to the museum but were disappointed - the sitting room was overflowing with anti-war protesters who were looking for a warm spot to dry their clothes and feed their babies. A friend who had a friend who had borrowing privileges at the Library of Congress, borrowed the book for us so that Larry could get a longer look at it.

Thursday, October 5, 2023


Nobody played for money

And no one sang for pay,

We only loved the music

And gave our love away;

All who were there with us

Got caught up in our sound,

Dancing in the golden light

And passing love around.


Sing to the tune of O Susanna

Friday, September 15, 2023

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


White Oaks



White Oak

Red Oak

Tulip Poplar


Red Maple







Silver Maple



Southern Magnolia

White Pine

Sugar Maple


Red Buckeye

Sweetbay Magnolia

Eastern Redcedar (Juniper)

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


High School civics class.
He who knows not and knows he knows not,
He is simple teach him.
He who who knows not and knows not he knows not,
He is a fool shun him.
He who knows and knows not he knows, 
He is asleep wake him.
He who knows and knows he knows,
He is wise follow him.
Reprimand the unruly,
Encourage the timid,
Help the weak,
and be very patient with all men.

1Thesssalonians 5 - RSV

[14] And we exhort you, brethren, admonish the idlers, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.


1st Thessalonians 5 - Phillips

[13b-14] - Live together in peace, and our instruction to this end is to reprimand the unruly, encourage the timid, help the weak and be very patient with all men. 

Monday, August 21, 2023



First trip using Teardrop Trailer - to Tahoe.

Rob Julie and Ryan took the ashes of Mila to scatter in a favorite place.  

Climbed to top of ski run. Mila discovered snow here in 2022.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Word Order










lovely, little, old, rectangular, green, French, silver whittling knife.

Saturday, August 5, 2023



Hammerhead Worm 

Bipalium is a genus of large predatory land planarians. They are often loosely called "hammerhead worms" or "broadhead planarians" because of the distinctive shape of their head region. Land planarians are unique in that they possess a "creeping sole", a highly ciliated region on the ventral epidermis that helps them to creep over the substrate

When captured, earthworms begin to react to the attack, but the flatworm uses the muscles in its body, as well as sticky secretions, to attach itself to the earthworm to prevent escape.

To feed on their prey, species of Bipalium often evert their pharynges from their mouths, located on the midventral portion of their bodies, and secrete enzymes that begin the digestion of the prey. The liquefied tissues are sucked into the branching gut of the flatworms by ciliary action.[14]

B. adventitium reproduces sexually and creates egg capsules, which hatch around 3 weeks post-deposition. The egg capsules have a tough exterior and generally contain multiple juveniles.[6]

Currently, four invasive species of Bipalium are known in the United States: B. adventitium, B. kewense, B. pennsylvanicum, and B. vagum 

Penn State

Land planaria are predatory on soft-bodied invertebrates, including earthworms and other annelid worms, molluscs such as snails and slugs, isopods, and insects.

Terrestrial flatworms are hermaphrodites, which means that every individual has both male and female reproductive organs. This makes sexual reproduction easier as each individual worm only needs to find another individual to mate rather than males and females needing to find the opposite sex. Land planarians can also reproduce through a procession called "binary fission" where an individual flatworm spontaneously breaks in half. Each half regrows then the missing half – the head regrows the tail and the tail regrows a head – in about a week, resulting in two flatworms instead of one. 

 Read more at:

It is called a hammerhead because of its large, hammer-shaped head. They can grow up to twelve inches long. And they have five black stripes running down their body.

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The hammerhead worm has been found in NC since 1951. It is called a hammerhead because of its large, hammer-shaped head. They can grow up to twelve inches long. And they have five black stripes running down their body.

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The hammerhead worm has been found in NC since 1951. It is called a hammerhead because of its large, hammer-shaped head. They can grow up to twelve inches long. And they have five black stripes running down their body.

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The hammerhead worm has been found in NC since 1951. It is called a hammerhead because of its large, hammer-shaped head. They can grow up to twelve inches long. And they have five black stripes running down their body.

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The semi-circular head of flatworms in the genus Bipalium (and closely related genera) house sensory organs and numerous tiny eyes, and also give rise to their common name, hammerhead worms.

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The semi-circular head of flatworms in the genus Bipalium (and closely related genera) house sensory organs and numerous tiny eyes, and also give rise to their common name, hammerhead worms.

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The semi-circular head of flatworms in the genus Bipalium (and closely related genera) house sensory organs and numerous tiny eyes, and also give rise to their common name, hammerhead worms.

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The semi-circular head of flatworms in the genus Bipalium (and closely related genera) house sensory organs and numerous tiny eyes, and also give rise to their common name, hammerhead worms.

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The semi-circular head of flatworms in the genus Bipalium (and closely related genera) house sensory organs and numerous tiny eyes, and also give rise to their common name, hammerhead worms.

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Monday, July 31, 2023



Attempt to always receive less than your share,

and give more than your share.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023


July 2011

In 2011 Larry taught a short enrichment course in Blake at the Senior Learning Institute of the College of Central Florida. He concluded the course with this precis of Blake's Milton.

In the second half of his career Blake had largely dropped his preoccupation with the Old Testament God and in favor of the New Testament God. His first large prophetic poem, Milton begins with a famous poem called Jerusalem that latter became the theme song of the British Labor party; used to sing it as a hymn.

This material is autobiographical and written in the honeymoon phase of his new spiritual life. Blake's full meanings yields only to intensive study, but from the beginning there are thrilling lines to delight and inspire the reader. In his esoteric language Blake describes for us what has happened to him, and nothing could be more engrossing for the reader interested in the life of the spirit and in Blake. The relationship of this story to the myth described above should be obvious. But Milton is more real than the previous material because Blake has lived it and writes (and sketches) with spiritual senses enlarged and tuned by his recent experience of grace.





    Puff, DLF, Trumpkin





Nissan  Minivan

    Grey Goose

Mazda 323


Honda Civic

    Red Car

Toyota Matrix

   White Lightning

Mazda 3 HB




Paul's truck

Monday, July 3, 2023


Fitzwilliam Museum

I went to an organ concert with others from Arbor Acres. The concert was at Ardmore Baptist Church which was unfamiliar to me. When we were leaving the church Nancy saw a friend and left the group to speak to him. I waited for her at the door of the sanctuary while others went on to board the bus.

When we exited the building we did not see either the others in the group or the bus. We thought we saw the bus down some stairs a short distance away. Since Nancy wasn't comfortable with descending the stairs we cut through the parking lot which avoided the stairs. We passed a woman who was getting ready to get into her car. She accidentally dropped her glasses but didn't notice them lying at her foot. I alerted her to the fact that she was about to step on her glasses. She picked them up and commented that without them she would not have been able to get home. 

When we got a better look at the bus we were headed for, we realized that it was a church bus and not the Arbor Acres bus. We did not see our bus but walked through the parking lot in the direction that we thought it might be waiting. Fortunately we were headed in the right direction. The rest of the group had boarded the bus which was parked beside the street. With our arrival the group was complete and our short drive back to Arbor Acres was soon accomplished.

Before I wrote this I had been thinking of Theseus' and the labyrinth as symbolic of the difficulties of approaching the unconscious with its unknown and threatening content. 

My dream from a few weeks ago was about having lost my shoe on the way down a path on a rugged mountain. The depths to which I was headed was my unconscious and the shoe was the protection I needed along the way and to deal with what may be lurking there when I arrived. The dream alerted me to the journey I need to take and the necessity of having assistance along the way.


Saturday, February 18, 2023


Westminster Abby
by Jacob Epstein

Madonna and Child
By Jacob Epstein

Westminster Libraries

"Now owned by The Kings Fund, the Dean’s Mews buildings were formally occupied by the Convent of the Holy Child of Jesus. The sisters had previously occupied cramped accommodation near Marylebone High Street but, needing more space for their teaching activities, they moved here in 1889.

Bombed in the Second World War, the convent commissioned the architect Louis Osman to restore the damaged buildings and also to create the linking bridge across the mews. It was his idea to include a statute of the Madonna and Child “levitating” against the bridge’s façade; the statue to be cast from roofing lead acquired from the bombed building. Osman independently commissioned Jacob Epstein to design the cast for the statue which caused a further artistic controversy.

This was due to people questioning whether it was appropriate for a Jew (Epstein) to create a Christian image and there were also requested alterations to the statue’s faces."


 The darkness cannot impinge upon the light.

Light illumines darkness.

Plate 41


Sunday, February 5, 2023



Charles Williams

"We live each other's death; we die each others life."

Christianity Today

The Region of the Summer Stars is one of two cycles of lyric poetry about King Arthur and the Round Table, and in one poem, “The Founding of the Company,” Williams succinctly explains the relation between community and love:

"The Company’s second mode bore farther
the labour and fruition; it exchanged the proper self
and wherever need was drew breath daily
in another’s place, according to the grace of the Spirit
‘dying each other’s life, living each other’s death’.
Terrible and lovely is the general substitution of Souls
the Flesh-taking ordained for its mortal images
in its first creation, and now in Its sublime self
shows, since It deigned to be dead in the stead of each man"

[Eerdmans, 1974, p. 156].


 Mary Ruth Dobbins

Feb 5, 2023

"I am alone"

"Take me home"

Thursday, January 5, 2023


British Museum
Illustrations to Blair's Night Thoughts

“What is it we are questing for? It is the fulfillment of that which is potential in each of us. Questing for it is not an ego trip; it is an adventure to bring into fulfillment your gift to the world, which is yourself. There is nothing you can do that's more important than being fulfilled. You become a sign, you become a signal, transparent to transcendence; in this way you will find, live, become a realization of your own personal myth.”

Joseph Campbell

Pathways to Bliss: Mythology and Personal Transformation