Thursday, May 14, 2020

Monday, May 4, 2020


Arlington 1980

I posted this as a comment to a post in William Blake: Religion and Psychology in 2015.

Larry got into computers and William Blake around the same time. Exciting days there were when we were living in Arlington and going to the Church of the Savior in Washington DC. He was entirely dependent on print material for studying Blake. Access to good libraries in the metro area made it possible. The books he purchased in those days furnish many of the quotes I use in blogging today. I see that we purchased FEARFUL SYMMETRY at YES! bookstore in Georgetown in Dec. 1980.

(The following month Larry acquired the other necessity for studying Blake at that time:
BLAKE Complete Writings by Geoffrey Keynes. YES! was the source once again.)

The primitive computers we had in those early days would not have been any help. We had neither random access to stored data, nor search engines or the internet. I'm grateful for the ability to study Blake with tremendous assistance from digital resources.