Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Dear Sally,

I wish you could have been with us yesterday. (You were there in
spirit.) The continuation of the lunch group you used to get together
with, met at Ravine Gardens. Only Jeannie was one of the originals, but
there were connections which drew us together. Besides Jeannie there
were Dick, Susan Cary, Gary and me. Laura didn't feel comfortable with
joining us because so many in Florida have the virus. Her son Phil had
the virus but recovered.

We had a big picnic shelter all to ourselves so we didn't get close. It
was interesting to hear people share past experience and get better
connected in the present. One thing we talked about was interracial
families. Dick and I remembered Isis from Friendly Eights. She is 18
years old and finished high school. Apparently Susan is much involved
with the adult children of her adopted biracial daughter.

Jeannie has arranged her Montessori school so that she can open in a
month. The parents are very cooperative and anxious for the children to
be in a classroom even though many safeguards will be practiced. It is
very encouraging to hear how schools can be adapted to changing
circumstances. Children don't have the preconceived ideas about how
things are supposed to be. With adequate resources and innovative
leadership, it can be done.

I hope that Lucy's and Maisy's schools are making the adjustments that
will make it possible for them to join their teachers and classmates in
a safe setting.



Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Jan 1, 1936 - Jul 13 2000

Aunt Joel died yesterday afternoon after a long struggle against 
infection following the perforated appendix. Hugh and David watched over 
her care and Jack stayed in close contact from Paris. The love we share 
as a family continues as she exits this life and enters the unknown.

Paul Clayton
She was a uniquely accepting person who seemed to 
always have a happy outlook on life, no matter what burdens fell on her.
Rob Clayton
Oh no, what a heartbreak. You are so right about her, Paul. She was a nurturer.
Mark Clayton
A generous and loving spirit. 

Dear Sally,

Unfortunately Joel could not recover from the side effects of her ruptured appendix. Her body and her doctors made valiant efforts but the infections could not be controlled. One of the few things her son was able to hear her say during the two weeks she was in the ICU was, 'I want to go home.' I think perhaps she may have been saying that she was tired of the fight and just wanted to continue her journey to her Eternal Home.

So she stepped through the door that was opened to her and was welcomed into the Everlasting Arms. 

We Are Blessed, ellie

Thursday, July 9, 2020