Saturday, August 18, 2018


I look to years ago to find an image for following the string and find one in my own childhood. My dad was an expert fisherman and fished at every opportunity. On occasion the line coming off the reel when someone (probably not my dad) was casting would become hopelessly snarled. When he brought it home, I might be enlisted to help with getting all the kinks out to make the yards of mono filament line usable again. Our old house was constructed in such a way that one could circle through all the rooms and return to where you began. So while daddy loosened the knots as the line came off the reel, I began walking around the house to stretch out the line. Round and around I went until all the tangles were unsnarled and Daddy could rewind his line on his reel to cast again on his next fishing trip.

Edwin Andrew Babylon
Hugh Roy Babylon
Biloxi Mississippi

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