Saturday, January 9, 2021



Thursday, September 2, 2010


Dear Larry and Ellie,
Have you read many of the older Pendle Hill Pamphlets? Last year I decided to read them all, starting with the #1. I wanted a historical perspective of contemporary Quaker thought. The time period that I have read about encompasses many of the challenges facing people in the middle of the 20th century. I am now on # 63, The Ninth Hour by Gilbert Kilpack. It would be a fascinating Bible study about the crucifixion and the meaning of the cross.
I study the Bible not because I believe it has all the answers, but because it is a guide to finding many of the most important answers. The Bible helps me understand how people have been asking questions and trying to understand the meaning of life throughout human history. I feel that there are many , and probably all, fundamental truths in the Bible, but I am not ready to believe every word at face value. I hope I do not come across as irreverent in Bible class.
The statement that stopped me in my path during my morning reflection today is The church is the "that of God" in everyman united; it is there buried, unheeded; Jesus did not make it, he revealed it. I've had a difficult time meshing the Bible (and all its historical, cultural, and church centered baggage) with Quaker testimonies, historical Quakerism and contemporary beliefs as I see them in our meeting.
This statement and the amplification which followed really spoke to me. I immediately thought of the faithful work you both do as you share your understanding of the Bible with us. I'll probably have the pamphlet back in the library this Sunday if you want to borrow it.
Have a good day, Sandy

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