Friday, June 26, 2020


I've been thinking that I should fire up Larry's old Windows computer to use with Zoom. So today was the day to accept the challenge. First to turn it on, where is the button to push, why doesn't it work? Somehow I checked enough connections and satisfied its demands and it responded. This is a used CPU that Larry bought for $100. I think he wanted to see if there was anything he could do with Microsoft that he could not do with his various Linux implementations. It was another toy to play with. When Windows 10 came out Mary convinced him that he would like it. It seemed fine for a while then the machine got really cranky. I ignored his pleas for help in getting it repaired. When Mark came to visit, Larry got him to help him take it to the repair shop. Success! They added memory and the system was up and running.
I think Larry mainly used it to listen to music with his earphones.
Here it is 2020 with corona virus and Zoom meetings. I don't have enough Linux skills to use Zoom on my computer so I use my cell phone as a substitute, but the video leaves much to be desired.
So I managed to set up the old windows machine without thinking it through. Now I realize that the relic does not have a camera or a speaker. I may be able to see the Zoom participants full size which would be nice, and I may be able to hear them with earphones. We shall see. I was more fun when Larry and I could work out these things together.   

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