Wednesday, July 24, 2024



He was a son of my grandfather Joel Lilly's brother Albert.

 The Ben Lilly Legend brings back to life a great American hunter--the greatest bear hunter in history after Davy Crockett, by his own account and also by the record. J. Frank Dobie met Lilly and was so struck by this extraordinary man that he collected everything he could find about him. Lilly was born in Alabama in 1856, followed the bear and the panther westward through Mississippi and Louisiana to Texas, leaving a trail of stories about his prowess as a hunter and his goodness as a man. He was at one time "chief huntsman" to Teddy Roosevelt, hunted in Texas and Mexico, and came to be known as the master sign reader of the Rockies. Here are all the stories Ben Lilly told and a great many more Frank Dobie heard about him, put together in a fresh and fascinating contribution to American folklore.


Benjamin "Ben" Lilly: Born in Hazelhurst Mississippi, died in Buckhorn New Mexico.

A rare breed of man, Ben Lilly led a solemn life chasing the greatest predators North America had to offer.

FIND A GRAVE - Ben V Lilly

"Anyone can kill a deer. It takes a man to kill a varmint."
So said Ben Lilly, according to outdoors writer Dan C. Johnson. To Lilly, "varmints" included mountain lions, wolves and bears. Benjamin Vernon Lilly killed many a varmint in his life as the last mountain man in the Southwest.

In the second half of the 19th century, the Southwest began to attract explorers, miners and settlers. What were known as "mountain men" still roamed wilderness areas. The first mountain men journeyed west when they left St. Louis, the capital of the fur trade, to explore the hunting grounds along the Missouri River.

Coming from all parts of the nation, these hunters and trappers did not mind the hard and uninviting conditions of the West. Mountain men lived off the land by tracking and hunting. They sold pelts and skins, as well as bear and lion meat, while shunning most social contacts except for the annual "rendezvous," like the one held in Taos, NM, where they sold their furs and socialized with other hunters, trappers and local Indian tribes.


Benjamin Vernon Lilly arrived in the Gila much later than those two, and he came to be known as the last mountain man of the Southwest.

Lilly's relationship with wildlife was unique. Today, men like Lilly are misunderstood, but back then a man like him did not hunt to quench a thirst for blood; he hunted to live, fleeing civilization to fulfill his need for freedom. Salmon described him in an article in New Mexico Magazine as "the most skilled hunter who ever followed a hound."

Lilly was born in Alabama in 1856, the son of North Carolina natives who moved to Mississippi shortly after his birth. He attended a military academy, but he ran away and worked as a blacksmith in Memphis, Tenn. His uncle, Vernon L., took Ben under his wing and brought him to his farm located along the Mississippi River.

James Frank Dobie, Lilly's biographer, wrote: "Here on this farm, ... Ben Lilly grew to maturity and entered upon his far-stretched career of withdrawing into solitude, hunting bears and panthers, observing wildlife, keeping the Sabbath Day holy, preserving independence of body and mind, and cultivating eccentricities."

Lily had definite habits, which today would be lauded. He never drank alcohol or coffee, and he did not smoke. Lilly refused to work on Sunday and spent the day reading his Bible. On the farm, if his cows got out, Lilly would look for them on Monday. Later, if he had treed and even wounded an animal on Saturday, he would not finish the hunt until Monday.

President Teddy Roosevelt, who hired Lilly to be his chief huntsman in Louisiana, summed him up as a "religious fanatic," but Johnson described him as complex and unconventional and a "man who set his own standards and stuck to them." What people thought did not matter, however, and Lilly appeared to be quite content with his way of living.

Lilly married twice and had several children, but the interest to explore new hunting grounds tempted him away from his family obligations. New Mexico historian Marc Simmons said that Lilly was so driven to hunt that in 1906, " he turned all his property over to his wife, kissed his kids goodbye, and left home forever to roam the wilds." Much to his credit, though, he supported his family financially. Lilly spent time in the Big Thicket of East Texas hunting bears and panthers and then went across Texas and into Mexico, where he hunted for many years.

In 1911 at the age of 55, he reentered the United States in southwestern New Mexico to hunt and live in the Gila Wilderness for more than 20 more years. He always used hounds, sometimes up to two dozen, but they were not pets; they were trained weapons. Lilly trained his dogs himself by keeping them tied to his belt. If one did not live up to his expectations he would kill it. Dobie wrote, "Ben Lilly was not fond of horses at all, and he was pitilessly discriminating towards dogs."

Even though he did not suffer a disobedient dog, Lilly appears to have had great affection for some of his hounds. According to Salmon, when his prized hunting dog "Crook" died along Sapillo Creek, Lilly buried him and wrote on a shoebox top, "Here lies Crook, a bear and lion dog that helped kill 210 bears and 426 lion [sic] since 1914, owned by B. V. Lilly."

After his dogs located the prey they tracked, Lilly used a .33 Winchester rifle or the legendary Lilly Knife to bring down the animal. This homemade curved, double-edged knife with a buckhorn handle was Lilly's last line of defense against stronger predatorial mammals, particularly bears. James B. Rider wrote, "Lilly made his own knives. He showed his knife to a fellow one time out west and said that he had killed, in so-called hand-to-hand combat, six bears with his knife."

Lilly's physical abilities were another fact that made him as successful as he was. David F. Brown described Lilly as about five feet nine inches tall and 180 pounds of muscle and sinew. He was tough, strong and athletic. Brown also said that Lilly had "a reputation for endurance that was already legendary. Ben was well known for his speed, long distance running and energy."

Lilly slept outdoors in all seasons. Dobie wrote, "What most people consider ordinary comforts, he regarded as debilitating luxuries; even at ranch headquarters [the G O S], in the dead of winter as well as in summer softness, he camped out." Dobie quotes Lilly, who said he liked living in the wild "because people and houses keep me from thinking and being myself. Every man and woman ought to get out and be alone with the elements a while every day, even if only for five minutes."

Like all mountain men, Lilly traveled light, carrying only an axe, a tin can, matches, a horn to call his dogs, his rifle, cartridges, dog chains and a little corn meal and sugar. Dobie said that he favored mountain lion meat, and like many Indian tribes, Lilly believed that eating the cat's flesh would give him the same strength and agility of the animal.

Lilly's main prey were mountain lions and bears. Black bears, grizzlies, and mountain lions still roamed most of the western parts of the United States to the southern parts of Mexico. Today, most grizzlies in North America are found in Canada and Alaska, with a few in isolated areas of the northwestern United States. According to Brown, bounty hunting and habitation loss were the main reasons for their disappearance.

Lilly began hunting predators for large ranches that were losing livestock to bears, mountain lions and other wild animals. In 1914, the federal government also began offering bounties on these animals, and Lilly appears to have made substantial money, supposedly tucked away in southwestern banks. Although he always supported his children, he used little of this money for his own lifestyle.

Ben Lilly's success as a hunter over six decades came from his determination and physical abilities. In an interview with Marcel Wolff, Salmon remarked that "Lilly was the only hunter that became more active the older he got." Lilly was physically and mentally able to hunt up into his seventies, while others stopped hunting much earlier when their skills and enthusiasm for the hunt declined.

Lilly's tracking skills were also extraordinary. "No hunter before or since," Salmon wrote, "had Ben Lilly's capacity for reading signs, nor his endurance and perseverance on the trail." Salmon described him as "the best because he was at home in the wilds, as much as any hound or varmint."

Nobody really knows, but Salmon estimates that Lilly killed approximately 600 mountain lions and over 500 bears in his lifetime. These numbers and his story demonstrate his indestructible will to hunt. That, together with his love for the chase, made him the most successful hunter of his era.

Bears and mountain lions certainly stood in the way of settlement, and many hunters devoted much of their life to the removal of such predators. Lilly sent specimens for study to the U. S. Biological Survey, later the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Museum of Natural History.

Benjamin Vernon Lilly died near Silver City, N.M, on December 17, 1936. A memorial in the Gila National Forest, a few miles from Pinos Altos, is dedicated to him. The bronze plaque is imbedded in a granite boulder, showing in bas-relief his head flanked on one side by the head of a bear and on the other side by the head of a mountain lion.

Some could argue that men like Lilly were ruthless killers who did not care about the creatures they preyed on, but there was more to Lilly than killing. Ben Lilly grew up hunting, which taught to him to provide for himself. He was sure that the hunt was his destination, the purpose of his life. It was about the way the hunt made him feel. His feats would meet with opposition from environmentalists today, but Lilly would understand their desire to keep the Gila Wilderness some of the last pristine land in the country.

(Source: Ben Lilly: Mountain Man of the Southwest, by: Marcel Wolff and Cynthia Hernandez)
Famous hunter of lions and bears. Guided Theodore Roosevelt on a bear hunt in Louisiana that led to the development of the teddy bear. Subject of "The Ben Lilly Legend" by J. Frank Dobie. Born in Wilcox County, Alabama and lived in Louisiana and Mississippi. Hunted in Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

First wife: Leila Bunckley Lilly with whom he had one son, Vernon ("Dick") Lilly

Three children with Mary Etton Sisson Lilly:

Hugh Kenneth Lilly (1891-1918) Find A Grave Memorial# 68328169
Ada Mae Lilly Eisley (1893-1969)
Verna B. Lilly Dodd (1897-1985)

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sunday, July 14, 2024


Blake Archive

Song of Los

Copy F, 1795

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

Munich, Germany

I associate all of these words which begin with the letter 'I' with right brain fuctioning. 


















Friday, July 12, 2024


 The North Carolina Museum of Art’s first Pablo Picasso painting—”Seated Woman, Red and Yellow Background”—is now on display in the museum’s West Building.The 1952 portrait of Picasso’s muse and lover, French artist Franรงoise Gilot, employs the cubist techniques Picasso was known for.

Gilot was not, however, pleased with the portrait. 

I was pleased with my lunch in the NCMA cafe.


Native American inspired fry bread topped with the Three Sisters; a stewed medley of beans, corn and squash in tomato stock and garnished with shredded Monterey jack, heirloom tomato, shredded lettuce and lime infused sour cream

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


 Dream sequence:

The other day I had dinner with Blake, and I asked him if he had said all he had to say by 1828. He said "'pretty much', 'pretty much', especially if you've experienced all the words and pictures that I left behind."

I asked him if there was anything more he would like to tell us now from his present life. He said, "Oh yes, a great deal; but I've experienced nothing that your corporeal mind would find meaningful." He went on to say that where he now lived and what he now knew was separated from me by a great chasm, much like the one between Lazarus in Abraham's bosom and Dives.

He reminded me of Paul's experience in the Third Heaven where "He heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter".

I asked Blake if he had recently come in contact with Isaiah or Ezekiel. He said that Ezekiel and he had become bosom buddies, "We laughed together over the peculiar directive that Ezekiel had received from God." He also told Ezekiel that that affair had meant a lot to him and given him a vivid awareness of the "perception of the infinite". (MHH13, E39)

Blake went on to say that in due course, at the acceptable time, he would be glad to introduce me to Ezekiel or to anyone else I desired to meet. He also would arrange a tennis match for me with Kenny Rosewall.

I was just about to make further requests when the alarm clock sounded, and I was aroused from my Heavenly Vision or perhaps I went back to the corporeal sleep.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Thursday, July 4, 2024


The Green Fields Of France

Well, how do you do, young Willie McBride?
Do you mind if I sit here down by your graveside?
And rest for a while in the warm summer sun
I've been walking all day, and I'm nearly done
I see by your gravestone you were only nineteen
When you joined the great fallen in 1916
I hope you died well and I hope you died clean
Or young Willie McBride, was it slow and obscene?

Did they beat the drum slowly, did they play the fife lowly?
Did they sound the death march as they lowered you down?
Did the band play The Last Post in chorus?
Did the pipes play the Flowers of the Forest?

Did you leave a wife or a sweetheart behind
In some faithful heart is your memory enshrined?
Although, you died back in 1916
In that faithful heart are you forever nineteen?
Or are you a stranger without even a name
Enclosed in forever behind the glass frame
In an old photograph, torn, battered and stained
And faded to yellow in a brown leather frame?

Did they beat the drum slowly, did they play the fife lowly?
Did they sound the death march as they lowered you down?
Did the band play The Last Post in chorus?
And did the pipes play the Flowers of the Forest?

The sun now it shines on the green fields of France
There's a warm summer breeze that makes the red poppies dance
And look how the sun shines from under the clouds
There's no gas, no barbed wire, there's no guns firing now
But here in this graveyard it's still No Man's Land
The countless white crosses stand mute in the sand
To man's blind indifference to his fellow man
To a whole generation that were butchered and damned

Did they beat the drum slowly, did they play the fife lowly?
Did they sound the death march as they lowered you down?
Did the band play The Last Post in chorus?
Did the pipes play the Flowers of the Forest?

Ah young Willie McBride, I can't help wonder why
Do those that lie here know why did they die?
And did they believe when they answered the cause
Did they really believe that this war would end wars?
Well the sorrow, the suffering, the glory, the pain
The killing and dying, were all done in vain
For young Willie McBride, it all happened again
And again, and again, and again, and again

Did they beat the drum slowly, did they play the fife lowly?
Did they sound the death march as they lowered you down?
Did the band play The Last Post in chorus?
Did the pipes play the Flowers of the Forest?
Did they beat the drum slowly, did they play the fife lowly?
Did they sound the death march as they lowered you down?
Did the band play The Last Post in chorus?
And did the pipes play the Flowers of the Forest?

Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Eric Bogle

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Four Disgracers
Prints by Hendrik Goltzius





Each of our fallers tried to enter the realm of the gods and was punished for his hubris.
The four seemingly varied poses are in fact more or less the same pose (one leg bent down, the other raised; one arm raised, the other lowered) viewed from different angles.

The Phaethon tondo is one of a series of engravings known as The Four Disgracers (also called Falls) – four figures from Greek mythology who defied the gods for which they were punished in the form of a fall. The other three sheets of the series depict Icarus, Tantalus (1588, the only plate to be dated) and Ixion. Phaethon was the son of the god Helios. Phaethon was showing off his divine origin to his friends, which he wished to prove by persuading his father to let him drive the sun chariot drawn by four fiery steeds across the heavens. However, he soon lost control and the runaway horses exited the trajectory, nearly knocking down the cope of heaven. Then the chariot came too close to the earth, setting it on fire. To prevent further damage, Jupiter knocked down Phaethon with a bolt of lighting, hurling him into the river Eridonos. The scene is executed in perfect, three−dimensional illusion, the youth’s body appears to plunge any moment into the viewer’s own space. The bottom part of the tondo shows a river and the earth with cities ablaze, all of this veiled by remarkable aerial perspective, rendered in the delicate engraving technique.

To escape from King Minos of Crete Daedalus fashioned two pairs of wings for himself and his son Icarus, made of metal feather held to a leather frame by beeswax. Before trying to escape the island, he warned his son to follow his flight path and not fly too close to the sun or the sea.Icarus disobeyed his father and soared higher into the sky. The heat from the sun softened the beeswax. He realized that he had no feathers left and fell into the sea.


Most famously, Tantalus offered up his son, Pelops, as a sacrifice. He cut Pelops up, boiled him, and served him up in a banquet for several gods in order to test their omniscience. The gods became aware of the gruesome nature of the menu, so they did not touch the offering; only Demeter, distraught by the loss of her daughter, Persephone, absentmindedly ate part of the boy's shoulder.

Tantalus's punishment for his act was to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches. Whenever he reached for the fruit, the branches raised his intended meal from his grasp. Whenever he bent down to get a drink, the water receded before he could get any.

Over his head towers a threatening stone.


 Zeus took pity on Ixion and brought him to Olympus and introduced him at the table of the gods. Instead of being grateful, Ixion grew lustful for Hera, Zeus's wife, a further violation of guest–host relations. Zeus found out about his intentions and made a cloud in the shape of Hera and tricked Ixion into coupling with it. 
Ixion was expelled from Olympus and blasted with a thunderbolt. Zeus ordered Hermes to bind Ixion to a winged fiery wheel that was always spinning. Therefore, Ixion was bound to a burning solar wheel for all eternity, spinning across the heavens.